miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011


I have a bad period right now so don't expect silly posts from me...

Do you ever feel like people don't give a fuck about you?

Yes I feel now...I don't know to explain the feeling but somehow it seems that they(whoever they are) ignoring me.The truth is I feel lonely..I don't know why but my soul is empty like my desktop recycle bin...It's horrible...I think all (not quite all) are using me to do their little favour and of couse like a good person that i am I help them..but then I realize I should not have done this because again I am ignored and shit...
So I think i will change some parts of my personality..I know it will be hard..but I should say "NO" sometimes....

Until next time..bbye:P

3 comentarii:

  1. my inglization is not that good, so: cred ca e o perioada mai naspa, stiu cum e, si eu am simtit ceva asemanator, dar s-a dovedit ca era imaginatia mea(in mare parte);dar o sa vezi ca nu e dracu asa negru si o sa iti revii; cat despre persoanele alea, daca exista, nu-ti mai bate capul si accepta ca asa sunt unii; and try not to be like them, because now you know how it feels

  2. Gaga shh ....sterge dracu cacatu asta de post ca fac tahicardie.....uite dracu pt ce se streseaza el ....madaliiinoooo.....nu bea furadan...ca viata e frumoasa .....

  3. yeah
    again you are right.
    that's why our souls hurt more than our bodily harm. and it is so hard to heal the wounds of a soul. but we have to live with them until it passes......
    say No and you will see .... Das ist das Leben!!!!
